Tuesday, 6 May 2008

OMG - how funny

I was looking at my sitemeter as sometimes it is nice to see where people come from, which websites etc, well the first few I have seen so far have been google searches:

1. What should you do if you find bruises on a childs butt?

2. busty ladies at work

3. swollen butt cheek

There are a couple of image searches on miscellaneous items too. Though most are about butt cheeks, some are about busty ladies LOL...maybe I need to be a bit extra careful on what I post here in future. Promise I will post something arty soon, I haven't downloaded my camera software yet and I can't find my scanner software, I have a driver from the net but I liked working with the smart scanner software I had - scanners confuse me enough as it is LOL.


Dawnie said...

How much time have I wasted playing with kitty, making her purr and swat the curser.
she has the cutest meow.
love it

ME xxx

Maureen said...

Hi Ev
I found you via the "embellishstitchandenrich" group.I've signed up for Dale's workshop also.Used to live on an Orchard out MaidaVale but have been in Qld since 74.
See you around!