Thursday 6 December 2007

Gosh has it been that long!

I can't believe it has been so long - I blog hop most days to a select few (some days I go through my whole list) each day I fully intend to update, by which time Martha Stewart is on TV - Foxtels How to channel have this showing in Australia. I don't know what it is about that show - I enjoy the crafts she stumbles through, the way she copes is pretty good but you can tell she has probably not seen the item before the days meeting for the order of the show. I can't be bothered with some parts of the show and will disappear into other parts of the house to do a quick tidy or dump of stuff the kids have left lying about or will go and do a tidy up in the kitchen listening but not watching - I hang out for the craft section though. You know the feeling of watching a car crash in slow motion....I think that may be the type of attraction I have to her LOL.

What with kids and other distractions this has sat in the edit list...I have some stuff to share - check the above LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes it REALLY has been that long, I check every two days and have been very deprived LOL